Community News & Updates
Thank you Snak Shak!
BIG thanks to Andy Graham and the Snak Shak!, who delivered 20 hot lunch plates today to the Veterans at John’s Place (ECHO’s Transitional Bridge Housing for Veterans).
Eastern Carolina Housing Organization
The words we use matter. ECHO is proud to announce our official name change to Eastern Carolina Housing Organization.
Robert Gets His Own Housing
Robert experienced homelessness off and on for the past few years. Many nights, he stayed in a shelter, sometimes he slept in his car. With support from ECHO and Jason, his Housing Case Manager, Robert recently signed a lease for his own apartment. He will continue to work together with Jason, who will connect him with community-based resources to increase his long-term housing stability.
Army Veteran Asks for Help
I had to put my pride aside and ask for help. I learned that even though my situation wasn’t the best and it was taking a turn for the worst, it got better after I reached out and just asked for help.
ACE Awareness & Training Opportunities
In partnership with Children’s Trust of South Carolina, ECHO’s Director of Programs + Innovation, Dr. Ann Gowdy, helps to empower our community to prevent childhood adversity through training.
Air Force Veteran Moves Out of Homelessness
The 70-year-old Air Force Veteran came to John’s Place (ECHO’s transitional housing program for Veterans) in November, after spending almost a decade experiencing homelessness. Over the last 3 months, he worked with his case managers to achieve his goals – including meeting with a job coach, applying for benefits, and finding safe, affordable, permanent housing.
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