Landlord Benefits

Eastern Carolina Housing Organization is dedicated to creating opportunities for people in our community experiencing a housing crisis to stay in their homes or find a place they can call home.

Landlords play a key role in helping to achieve this mission. Our experienced housing staff works directly with individual private owners, larger developers, and property management groups to keep their units filled and provide ongoing tenant management support.

The relationships we build with our landlord partners are equally important as those we build with our clients.

Landlord Benefits rent

On-time Rent Payments

Receive timely rent payments directly from ECHO, within the period of assistance. Qualifying programs may offer double security deposit.

Landlord Benefits tenants

Reduced Vacancies

You can always have a tenant in your unit and minimize income loss associated with turnover.

Landlord Benefits assistance

Relationship Assistance

Every tenant has a case manager who provides individualized support and acts as a point of contact for both landlord and tenant.

Landlord Benefits New Project

Reduced Costs

Save on costs of marketing and advertising your unit and fees for rent management portals.

Landlord Benefits support

Community Support

Support our community by offering affordable housing to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis.

Landlord Contact

Send us a message to learn more about how you can work with ECHO and benefit both your organization and our community.

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