The solution to homelessness is housing, and everyone deserves a HOME.

We believe that people experiencing homelessness need the safety and stability of a home to address challenges, pursue opportunities, and ultimately grow and thrive in our community.

That’s why all our housing programs follow a Housing First approach.

  • We prioritize reconnecting people with permanent housing as quickly as possible, without any conditions or requirements that must be met first.
  • We provide the individualized supportive services necessary to attain and maintain long-term housing stability, after the housing crisis has been resolved.
  • We believe that everyone has the right to a safe and affordable place to live, and that people will be successful in maintaining housing with the right support.
  • We value the autonomy and dignity of people experiencing homelessness and work to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Veteran Programs

Our Veteran Services team is dedicated to getting veterans experiencing a housing crisis the benefits they deserve. ECHO’s Veteran Services are available in the following counties:

South Carolina
Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, and Williamsburg

North Carolina
Columbus, Robeson, and Scotland

Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


The SSVF program is dedicated to helping low-income veteran families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We understand that veterans and their families have made sacrifices to protect our country, and we want to ensure that they have access to the support they need to achieve housing stability.

SSVF is offered at no cost to the participating veteran families, as it is funded through partnerships with the Veterans Administration, the community, and private partners. This program provides a wide range of services to help these families obtain and maintain stable housing, including:

  • Temporary financial assistance to help with rent or other housing-related costs
  • Eviction prevention services to help families stay in their current homes
  • Assistance with finding and securing new housing
  • Case management to ensure that families are receiving the support they need
  • Help with obtaining public and VA benefits, such as housing vouchers
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
  • Outreach to help families who may be hesitant to seek assistance


ECHO has been awarded the highest level of accreditation by CARF International for our Supportive Services for Veteran Families Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention programs. 

Accreditation demonstrates ECHO’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served.  Learn more about CARF International Accreditation.

Programs SSVF RRH
Steven & Gabby

JOHN'S PLACE at Nardmoor

John’s Place is a transitional bridge housing program designed to help veterans experiencing homelessness stabilize and work towards securing permanent housing. We recognize the sacrifices made by veterans in service to our country, and are committed to providing them with the necessary support to attain stability and improve their overall well-being.

This program is offered at no cost to participating veterans, as it is funded through partnerships with the Veterans Administration, the community, and private partners.

John’s Place is situated in the beautifully remodeled Narmoor facility, nestled in a residential area of Myrtle Beach, SC.

The program and facility offer a comprehensive range of services including:

  • Comfortable community living facility for up to 40 male veterans
  • 24-hour onsite support and management
  • Healthy and well-balanced meals crafted and prepared by a professional chef
  • Housing case management to address barriers to housing
  • Assistance in obtaining public and VA benefits, including disability
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
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The GPD program offers ongoing housing case management for veterans who have experienced homelessness and are not currently receiving supportive services through another VA-funded program. Our GPD Housing Case Managers provide flexible, individualized support to increase long-term housing stability.

This program is offered at no cost to participating veterans, as it is funded through partnerships with the Veterans Administration, the community, and private partners.

Our program provides a range of services to help people achieve housing stability, including:

  • Home visits to assess and address any needs
  • Assistance obtaining public and VA benefits
  • Meal planning and nutritional support
  • Financial management and budgeting assistance
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
Programs stephen marine veteran
Stephen, Marine Veteran, Served 1974-1978


Veterans experiencing homelessness can receive free assistance with filing a VA disability claim. The process of filing a claim can be complex and difficult to navigate. To support veterans in this process, a dedicated combat veteran volunteer is available to help homeless veterans file and track their VA disability claims. Providing this assistance helps to ensure that homeless veterans have the support they need to access the benefits they are entitled to.

Programs va benefits

Housing Programs

ECHO’s Housing Programs are dedicated to serving our community. Continuum of Care (CoC) programs serve the entire Total Care for the Homeless Coalition service area, which includes these 13 South Carolina counties:
Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Kershaw, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, and Williamsburg

Our dedicated Coordinated Entry Access Point offers compassionate and comprehensive housing need assessments to determine what kind of assistance you may be eligible for that best meets your individual needs.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


The PSH program is dedicated to providing long-term housing assistance and supportive services to chronically homeless individuals and families. Chronic homelessness is defined as a single continuous episode or multiple episodes of homelessness lasting 12 months or longer, with a qualified and documented disability.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, as it is funded through partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, the community, and private partners.

One of the key components of our program is our commitment to providing the necessary long-term support through a range of individualized services, including:

  • Long-term financial assistance for expenses such as security deposit, rent, and utilities
  • Assistance with finding and securing appropriate housing
  • Housing case management to ensure participants are receiving the support they need
  • Help with obtaining public benefits
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
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Deborah & Scooby


The RRH program is dedicated to helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness obtain and maintain stable housing. We understand that homelessness is a difficult and overwhelming experience, and we want to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need to achieve stability and improve their overall well-being.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, as it is funded through partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Horry County Community Development, South Carolina Department of Administration’s Office of Economic Opportunity, Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, the community, and private partners.

Our program provides a range of services to help people achieve housing stability, including:

  • Temporary financial assistance for expenses such as security deposit, rent, and utility deposits/assistance
  • Assistance with finding and securing appropriate housing
  • Housing case management to ensure that people are receiving the support they need
  • Help with obtaining public benefits
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
Programs Ashley Family RRH
Ashley & Family


The HP program is dedicated to helping very low-income individuals and families who are facing eviction and at risk of homelessness. We understand that housing instability has a significant impact on a person’s life, and we want to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need to achieve stability and remain stably housed within the community.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, as it is funded through partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Horry County Community Development, South Carolina Department of Administration’s Office of Economic Opportunity, Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, the community, and private partners.

Our program provides a wide range of services to help individuals and families achieve housing stability, including:

  • Temporary financial assistance for expenses such as rental arrears, rent, security deposit, utility arrears/deposits/assistance
  • Eviction prevention services to help people stay in their current homes
  • Assistance with finding and securing new housing
  • Housing case management to ensure that families are receiving the support they need
  • Help with obtaining public benefits
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
Programs robert signing lease

Renewing Beyond – Domestic Violence Crisis/Bridge Housing

Renewing Beyond is a transitional housing program that provides eligible individuals and families with a safe place to stabilize from experiencing domestic violence, while working towards securing permanent housing. We understand that escaping domestic violence is a difficult and overwhelming experience and we want to ensure that individuals have access to the support they need to achieve stability and improve their overall well-being.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, as it is funded through partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, the community, and private partners.

Our program provides a wide range of services to help individuals and families achieve housing stability, including:

  • Comfortable home-like settings for residents
  • Safe and secure housing
  • Onsite support and management
  • Individualized case management to address barriers to housing and support residents in their journey towards stability
  • Assistance with obtaining public benefits
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
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Awakenings Crisis/Bridge Housing

Awakenings is a transitional housing program that provides eligible individuals with a safe place to stabilize from substance use disorder while working towards securing permanent housing. We recognize that overcoming problematic substance is challenging, and we are committed to providing individuals with the support they need to achieve stability and enhance their overall well-being.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, as it is funded through partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, the community, and private partners.

Our program provides a wide range of services to help individuals achieve stability, including:

  • Comfortable home-like settings for residents
  • Safe and secure housing
  • Onsite support and management
  • Individualized case management to address barriers to housing and support residents in their path to recovery
  • Assistance with obtaining public benefits
  • Connections to community resources and services such as employment, education, and healthcare
Programs SubstanceUse
Brittany & Ashley

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)

YHDP is designed to provide young people (ages 18-24) experiencing homelessness with a flexible, youth-centered pathway to stable housing. This innovative model offers short-term transitional housing for those who need immediate support while also ensuring a direct connection to rapid rehousing housing assistance.

Through individualized case management, life skills development, and connections to education, employment, and mental health services, we empower young people to build a foundation for long-term success. By prioritizing youth choice, positive youth development, and trauma-informed care, we help young adults move from crisis to stability with the support they need to thrive.

This program is offered at no cost to participating households, thanks to funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Total Care for the Homeless Continuum of Care, and support from community and private partners.

Shoes choosing a direction with arrows on pavement

SeaChange Residential Recovery for Women

SeaChange Residential Recovery offers a safe and supportive environment for women seeking recovery from problematic substance use. Our Myrtle Beach location is just a short walk from the ocean, providing a peaceful and serene environment for healing. The SeaChange approach to wellness combines traditional 12-Step recovery with individualized services designed to promote healing, healthy connections, self-discovery, and finding a new way of life.

These goals are achieved through a range of structured services including:  

  • 12-step groups for support and accountability
  • Life skills groups to help residents develop the tools needed to maintain recovery
  • Yoga therapy with a certified instructor to promote physical and mental well-being
  • Group and individual certified peer support services to provide guidance and support as residents navigate their recovery

SeaChange graduates are bridged to permanent, independent housing with access to ongoing case management and peer support to maintain recovery, stability, and overall well-being.  

Community Programs

ECHO is the collaborative applicant for Total Care for the Homeless Coalition and supports many community partners with the shared goal of ending homelessness in our community.


The My Home Donation center handles donations of household items and furniture.  Your donations go directly to veterans, women, men, and children moving into their new homes.


HMIS is a locally administered, electronic data collection system that stores person-level information about clients who access the homeless service system. HMIS began as a grassroots effort in the mid to late 1990s to use technology at the community level to improve service delivery, the Continuum of Care (CoC) process, and community homeless planning efforts.

South Carolina implements a statewide HMIS database and ECHO serves as the administrating agency for the Total Care for the Homeless Coalition (TCHC) and supports agencies in our service area who are accessing the HMIS database. You can find more information about TCHC’s HMIS implementation on the TCHC Website.

Coordinated Entry System (CES)

ECHO serves as a Coordinated Entry System (CES) Access Point.  CES is a process in which the most vulnerable people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are matched with available and appropriate housing resources. An effective CES process is a critical component of any community’s efforts to meet the goals of housing first. The primary goals are that assistance is allocated as effectively as possible and that it be easily accessible.

The fastest way to access CES is through our online assessment found on our Get Help Page.  Access Points can also be found across the TCHC service area.  For more information on CES and additional CES Access Point locations please visit the TCHC Website.

Carf Accredited Logo


ECHO has been awarded the highest level of accreditation by CARF International for our Supportive Services for Veteran Families Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention programs. 

Our accreditation is a public commitment that we strive to:

  • Involve persons served and their families in their service planning. 
  • Respect individual cultural preferences. 
  • Be accountable to our funding sources, referral agencies, and the community at large.
  • Address health and safety concerns, such as building safety and emergency preparedness.
  • Maintain management practices that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer


For more information about CARF International, the standards, or the survey process, visit

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