Apply today for assistance with ECHO and other service providers in the TCHC Continuum of Care.


Learn more about the wide array of housing services provided by ECHO.


ECHO welcomes the community to help us in all of our endeavors to end homelessness.


As a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, your financial contributions to ECHO are tax-deductible. We accept both financial and household good donations.

Making A Difference In Our Community

Making a Difference 2023 Highlights
Provided HOPE to over 4,000 people navigating the challenging journey of homelessness
Moved more than 650 men, women, and children out of homelessness into safe and stable HOMES
Furnished and equipped 325 homes with household essentials through donations to our volunteer-operated My Home Donation Center
Prevented eviction and avoided homelessness for 1,926 individuals and families
Provided 167 veterans an average of 60 days respite at our Nardmoor bridge housing facility. Moved over 100 of those veterans into their own homes
Supported over 300 individuals fleeing domestic violence or struggling with substance use, providing a total of 31,093 nights of crisis housing
Assisted 972 people who recently experienced homelessness with financial aid and ongoing supportive services for independence and life rebuilding