Army Veteran David Moves In

“I can’t thank you any more for saving my life.”
– David, Army Veteran

David had been sleeping outside for eight months, most recently behind a local hotel.

ECHO’s Veteran Services team worked quickly to get David safely indoors. With help from our community partners including a local landlord and 501 Furniture, along with donated groceries and a Welcome Home Basket – this Veteran now has a safe place of his own to call home.

David and his Housing Case Manager, Kim, used the phone to walk through completing an emergency food assistance application online. He also has a phone appointment scheduled to apply for his VA benefits.

Despite the current limitations to serving people in traditional ways, being cautious and creative ended this Veteran’s homelessness, and got him connected with two very important benefits that will help him maintain long-term housing stability.

David is very grateful, and says that he can’t wait to walk to the beach.

Happy Move-in Day, David!

David, Army Veteran
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