In Memory of Hannah Smith

All donations go directly to SeaChange Women's Recovery Center.
A note from Hannah's Mother:
In memory of my daughter, Hannah Michelle Smith, I have established a scholarship to assist other women in their fight with addiction. Hannah lost her battle at the age of 29. She was not alone in this fight, there were many women who stood by Hannah during this time. This scholarship will be here to help other women in need. Thank you in advance for your donation today. Feel free to come back and make additional donations at any time. All of the information can be found in the link below. We are grateful to you for your support and it is our prayer this scholarship will reach many lives in the years to come.
Thank you,
Sherri T. Smith

How much would you like to give today? Donations are made in memory of Hannah Smith and go directly to our SeaChange Women's Recovery Program.

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Total de la donación: $100 One Time